Thomas Brasch
May 18–June 14, 2023
"The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn’t put it out." John 1:5 MSGLife-Light is an exhibition by Toronto-based photographer Thomas Brasch. The solo show combines two of Thomas' series, "Out of the Darkness" and "Enlightenment", a coupling of works that proves to be potent and healing. Click here to view images of the artwork on the artist's website.
Toronto-based photographer Thomas Brasch has a unique art form as he transforms source images into lens-based luminous commemorative mandalas to address healing from collective trauma. The images are layered abstractions from site-specific locations pertaining to the series, Out of Darkness, whose source material are drawn from locations where acts of violence have occurred. Each image holds within it the history of place in hopes to spark discussion and contemplation within our contemporary context. Without the use of graphic imagery, Thomas is able to both document memory and point us towards hope, as we remember atrocities that will not soon be forgotten. Conversely, his series entitled "Enlightenment", extols human wisdom and virtues. These lens-based post-production images, are derived from notable architecture and sacred spaces, are an exploration of the human spirit through photo-realistic geometric figures.
For Life-Light, Thomas Brasch has collaborated with Tennessee-based archaeologist Amanda Hope Haley for his piece entitled "Hebron". Haley captured some unique images during an archaeological dig trip to Israel and Palestine, and she brings a Biblical archaeologist's perspective to Life-Light. Join us for a pre-show talk on May 18th at 2pm to hear more about Life-light and Haley's research as an archaeologist.
The pre-show talk with special guests Thomas Brasch and Amanda Hope Haley will be from 2pm to 3pm in the Dal Schindell Gallery on Thursday May 18th 2023
The opening reception for Life-Light will be from 4pm to 7pm on Thursday, May 18th, 2023.