Kate Miller
Kate Miller is a homemaker who reimagines the home as a place which cultivates human flourishing for the sake of the world, rejecting the idea of home as a separate sphere. Through slow textile and fibre handiwork, she practices and teaches making and mending as a way to love and to serve others from this place. She Makes Bedcoverings is four large-scale quilts made from her family’s discarded clothing, entirely by hand. From using mass-produced children’s clothing to her own wedding dress, and employing different hand-quilting techniques, the quilts challenge the way that material resources, industrialized fashion, and craft knowledge are valued. Her study of Amish quiltmaking and connoisseurship aims to reconcile the false dichotomy of art and craft, recovering a theological vision of the arts rooted in gratuity, vocation, and wisdom.
Artist Website
Artist Kate Miller explores the art and craft legacy of Amish quilt making, highlighting its influence on her own work.
Kate discusses the subversive act of cutting and remaking her wedding dress in the transformative craft of quilt making.
"Accidental" artist Kate Miller takes on an Instagram challenge and in the process discovers an old form of artistic expression.
In this exhibition, Kate Miller transforms ordinary clothing by manipulating traditional patchwork patterns via the slow labour of hand sewing.