Jonathan Anderson
Jonathan Anderson is the Eugene and Jan Peterson Associate Professor of Theology and the Arts at Regent College. Trained as both an artist and a theologian, he has an MFA from California State University Long Beach and a PhD from King’s College London, and he has held academic posts both in visual art (Biola University, 2006–20) and in theology (Duke Divinity School, 2020–23). His artworks have been exhibited widely throughout North America, and he is the author of many publications exploring the interrelations of art history, theology, and religious studies, including The Invisibility of Religion in Contemporary Art (2025) and Modern Art and the Life of a Culture: The Religious Impulses of Modernism (with William Dyrness, 2016).Artist Website
CURRENT EXHIBITION | JANUARY 15, 2025 - MARCH 27, 2025 Reception - Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - 4-7pm Artist Talk - Monday, January 27, 2025 - 6-7:30pm In/dwellings features a selection of artworks made by Professor Jonathan Anderson over the course of nearly a decade, 2005 to 2014. Drawn from three different series, these works all begin from the premise that representational paintings are like built structures, setting up provisional spaces for negotiating our ways of dwelling in the world. In many of his paintings, Anderson purposefully conflates the construction of an image with the (re)construction of a building, a chapel, a home. Ultimately, this exhibition is an extended meditation on what George Steiner called the “covenant between word and object, the presumption that being is, to a workable degree, ‘sayable.’”